The word on the street is there is a LOT of interest around Microsoft Teams telephone capabilities. While it's true that you can use the Microsoft Phone System in conjunction with Teams, ask yourself:
"Is the goal to use the Microsoft Phone System, or is it to use Teams as one pane of glass for phone, video, and chat?"
The fact is there are 3 different ways to achieve making and receiving calls without leaving the Teams app and each has pros and cons – we will share what those are with you on this live seminar!
Attend and Learn About Team's:
· 3 different ways to implement Teams voice and their pros and cons
· Hard and soft costs
· Optimal productivity and collaboration efficiencies
· Integrative support for existing handheld devices and BYOD
· Fit within your organization
· FREE proof of concept offer
Chuck Salvo
Chief Digital Information Officer
Leading the Microsoft Consultancy practice at Ovatio Technologies, Chuck has over 25 years of experience helping global enterprise and midsize businesses achieve optimal productivity through the use of advanced business process automation and breakthrough systems' integrations.
Mike Vertolli
Chief Executive Officer
As the Owner and CEO of ComTec Systems, Mike has over 30 years of experience building and deploying innovative telecommunications solutions.
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