What are the capabilities of artificial intelligence?
Knowledge Mining
Uncover latent insights from all your content— documents, images, and media – with Azure Search. Using the only cloud search service with built-in AI capabilities, discover patterns and relationships in your content, understand sentiment, extract key phrases and more.
Only Azure empowers you with the most advanced machine learning capabilities. Quickly and easily build, train, and deploy your machine learning models using Azure Machine Learning, Azure Databricks and ONNX. Use tools and frameworks of your choice without lock-in. Develop models faster using automated machine learning. Easily deploy and manage across the cloud and the edge.
Machine Learning
AI Apps & Agents
Deliver breakthrough experiences in your apps with Cognitive Services and Bot Service. Access industry leading AI models that are being used today by millions in products such as Office 365, Xbox and Bing. Customize these models with your own data and deploy anywhere. Only Azure provides you with access to these battle-tested capabilities.
Azure Bot Service and Cognitive Services

Azure Bot Service and Cognitive Services

UPS paves the way for better service with faster development and artificial intelligence via a chatbot called UPS Bot, which runs on the Microsoft Bot Framework and Azure.

Customers engage UPS Bot in text-based and voice-based conversations to get the information they need about shipments, rates, and UPS locations. UPS released its chatbot to the public a little more than three months after it became an idea. It’s been eight months since the initial release and, already, UPS Bot has had more than 200,000 conversations with UPS customers.
AI Consulting Services Analyze Chatbot Needs
To identify and prioritize new features for the bot, developers and business teams are analyzing which channels customers use to access UPS Bot. They are also monitoring usage trends, common customer requests (or utterances), and how well the bot responds.
“Conversation as a platform is the future, so it’s great that we’re already offering it to our customers using the Bot Framework and Azure,” says Duffy. “Even though we’re just getting started with our bot, we believe we are the first in the shipping industry to offer this type of technology on social media, which is significant for us."
In addition, the ability to write code once and have that code execute across multiple platforms and digital channels is a tremendous gain in efficiency for our developers. This is critical for us to continue innovating global package delivery services with technologies like UPS Mobile and UPS Bot.